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Enterprise Business Intelligence

Enterprise business intelligence (BI) applications and technologies are helping companies make targeted and appropriate decisions at a time when good business judgment can make or break an organization. BI applications are highly varied and adaptable: They can target enterprise missions broadly or meet a specific purpose, can be built for enterprise-wide use or for a single department and might be created by an executive decree or be driven by user demand.
CIOs at any point in the BI spectrum can bolster their strategy with this enterprise business intelligence tutorial, which provides advice for both new and experienced users on ramping up BI initiatives, discusses how BI success can be measured and explores what lies ahead for these technologies.


SQL-Server 2005 - Compare Features


ótimo exemplo *drill-down


demos e videos 2012

SQL Server 2012 Webcasts, Demos & White Papers

check list instalação


1) Vale a pena verificar o build do SQL-Server 2005 com sp2 e versão igual ou superior a 9.3.50 - SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')

2) Não faz diferença a versão do SQL-Server 2005, pode instalar ser Express, Enterprise ou Developer, as escolhas não devem after em objetivos básicos de teste por exemplo, entretanto é bom verificar qual licença do SQL-Server 2005 será instalada no Servidor Windows 2003 pois existem algumas nuances relativas a edition do SQL-Server utilizada.

3) Para verificar se o Reporting Services está instalado é necessário abrir o painel de Controle e verificar em "Add-Remove Programs" quais components do SQL estão instalados.

Outra maneira de verificar é abrir o SQL-Server Management Studio e tentar logar:

Server Type > Reporting Services
Server Name > *seu servidor
Authentication > *sua autenticação

Caso não esteja instalado o SQL enviará mensagens de erro na tentativa de login.

4) Paso seguinte é abrir Ferramentas Administrativas e confirmar que os seguintes componentes do Windows estão instalados e corretamente configurados:
Aplication Server com ASP.NET e IIS e o serviço www também deve estar instalado.

5) Neste momento deverá ser adicionado o Reporting Services utilizando-se o setup do SQL-Server 2005 a disposição.

6) É recomendável criar uma conta no dominio da rede sem previlégios de admin.
Essa conta será utilizada durante o processo instalação.

7) É muito importante confirmar também que o SQL-Server 2005 instalou o software
SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio , com ele os usuários tem poder de criar reports ad hoc

7.1) Para instalar o SQL-BIDS basta selecionar na instalação a opção Workstation components e clicar em Advanced e então pode-se checar de fato quais são os Client Components que estão sendo instalados, incluindo SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

e-learning website


Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services is a comprehensive, server-based solution that enables the creation, management, and delivery of both traditional, paper-oriented reports and interactive, Web-based reports.

An integrated part of the Microsoft Business Intelligence framework, Reporting Services combines the data management capabilities of SQL Server and Microsoft Windows Server with familiar and powerful Microsoft Office System applications to deliver real-time information to support daily operations and drive decisions.


Ways to Create the Report Server Database

Edition of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

1) SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services
utilizar SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services (local only).

2) Workgroup Edition utilizar Workgroup Edition (local only)

3) Evaluation Edition utilizar Standard, Evaluation, Enterprise Editions (local or remote)

4) Developer Edition utilizar Standard, Developer, Enterprise Editions (local or remote)

5) Standard Edition utilizar Standard, Enterprise Editions (local or remote)

6) Enterprise Edition utilizar Standard, Enterprise Editions (local or remote)

Creating a Report Server Database

Reporting Services uses two SQL Server relational databases to store report server metadata and objects.

One database is used for primary storage, and the second one stores temporary data. The databases are created together and bound by name.

By default, the databases are named reportserver and reportservertempdb

You can use either SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 to host the databases.

Report Server - Database Requirements


Planning Deployment

>> Scale-Out Deployment <<

>> Standard Deployment <<

Client Components

The following client components are used with Reporting Services.

These components can be installed on client computers, and do not require a SQL Server license.

Report Designer

Reporting Services includes a report authoring tool named Report Designer. You can use Report Designer to create, edit, and preview reports, and then deploy them to a report server. Report Designer runs within Visual Studio 2005.

Model Designer

Model Designer is a tool used to create models for ad hoc business reporting in Report Builder. It is used to specify the data relationships that are ultimately used to support ad hoc reporting. Model Designer runs within Visual Studio 2005.